Special Moments

Special Moments
Mommy and Me

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Natural Home Birth

Written for Jen's Newsletter:

The Birth Story of Matthew

When my husband, Jason, and I found out I was pregnant we were thrilled. It was my second pregnancy, after having a prevous miscarriage. Our guess date was October 20th, but I had a feeling he was going to arrive on October 11th, one year to the day of my miscarriage.

On October 11th, at 3:30am, my membranes released. When I realized that I was in labor just as I thought I would be on that significant day, I could almost hear my baby telling me that this was the right time for his arrival and that I would finally get to meet him.

During my pregnancy, after a lot of reading and several discussions with my husband, I decided to follow my heart and so I switched from my doctor's care to a midwife practice. I was lucky to be accepted in the midwifery practice, and even luckier to have two wonderful midwives. I also searched for a doula and found one of the best. It was very important to me to have an unmedicated, natural birth at home with supportive, loving people around me. We planned a home birth with a birth pool set up in the nursery. Our birth story unfolded just as we had hoped and planned. It was perfect.

On the morning of October 11th, soon after my membranes released, I felt the first surge. The surges came quick, and they were quite strong early on in labor. By 8am, my midwife came to our home because my surges were coming every 4 min and lasting for a minute. My baby's head was nice and low, my cervix soft and thin. I just needed time for my cervix to open. My cervix was 2 cm dilated. As the surges came, thoughts came into my head as well. I thought to myself, 'if my cervix is only 2 cm opened with my surges coming quickly and intensely, how will I manage later as I dilate more?' As the thought would rise, I would release it and focus on my breath and the rainbow relaxation CD I had playing from our Hynpobirthing class. I brought my focus back to the present, and relaxed during each surge. I remembered Jennifer's voice from her CD, and I pictured my basket of surges emptying as each surge passed.

At five cm dilated, my midwife Annabelle suggested I get out of the birth pool and walk downstairs and take a short walk outside. Thoughts of resistance came rushing in. I felt this would be too difficult to do. But I dropped the thoughts, looked around me at my wonderful support team, and trusted that a walk is just what I needed. I remember pacing in the driveway, while my husband held my hand. It was during that walk when the mental shift took place within me. I ultimately stopped 'thinking' my way through labor and simply let go. I really surrendered to my surges and trusted wholly in my body, my baby and the process. I just rocked and swayed with each surge, welcoming it, welcoming my baby.

My husband then suggested we put in one of my favorite DVDs, The Cosby Show, which always makes me laugh. I nodded in agreement. Even though my focus was on the surges taking place, I smiled inside at the scene around me - there I was in active labor in my living room, sitting on a birthing stool, with my midwife, doula and husband around me, while we watched an episode of The Cosby Show. I can't remember too much of the episode, but I remember that moment. It was beautiful.

I birthed our precious son Matthew on our bed that evening. I remember Marlene and Annabelle telling me to look down at my baby as he came gently and peacefully into this world. My perineum was completely intact and I felt perfectly healthy immediately following the birth. As I held my baby skin to skin, I felt as if I held the whole world in my hands.

My husband kept telling me how amazingly calm, quiet and focused I was during the entire birth. I am glad that Lisa, my wonderful doula, videotaped the birth. As I watched the video days later, I was able to see what my husband was talking about. I was very calm and quiet. I was so focused on birthing my baby. It was very much like the HypnoBirthing videos we had seen in class. It was the most beautiful, powerful experience of my life. I had surrounded myself with two compassionate, exceptional midwives; a warm-hearted doula; and my incredible husband who supported me unconditionally that day. It was the best birth-day party I have ever attended!!!

Happy Birth Day my darling Matthew.

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